Welcome back Raiders! After a long winter break and a short week, it feels like we are busier than ever!
Here is the latest update from Sunnyvale PTA.
Our talented Sunnyvale Raiders have outdone themselves this year! We have 7 students advancing to state! Students from every campus are moving up in the competition. Stay tuned for more updates!
To see the list of students, click here.
Texas PTA Rally Day is drawing near! We are excited to participate in this event where we come together in Austin to stand up for our kiddos, teachers and parents. Click here for more information!
Are you ready to volunteer? Do you want to help with the book fair? Pirate Day? STEM career day? Read to a classroom? Help with lunch? Serve on the PTA board? No matter what your skill level or time commitment, there is a place for you. Click here to see our open sign ups and email for more information.
Box Tops!!! Each campus had their own campaign this spring.
SES - Ice cream for the class with the most Box Tops.
SMS - Bring 100 Box Tops for time in the Rowdy Room.
SHS - Chill with a gift card when you turn in 100 Box Tops.
Click here to learn more.
Do you know a graduating senior? PTSA has several scholarships available for both 4-year colleges and community college. Supporting the needs of our students beyond graduation is a part of PTSA. To be eligible for our PTSA scholarships, you must be a member by February 15th and membership is $10. Sign up today!
Early on in my PTA life, I was approached about Write-1-Check. It was explained that the way Sunnyvale PTA did 'fundraising' is by asking for 1 check at a suggested amount of $40 per student to fund all the goodies planned throughout the year. Honestly, this spoke to me. I am not fond of going door-to-door asking the neighbors to purchase wrapping paper or cookie dough so this '1 check' thing sounded amazing! Then, I realized what the PTA does with this modest $40 per student. This pays for field trips (6th grade to AT&T Stadium, upcoming 5th grade field trips), family nights (GLOW STEM night, upcoming literacy night, multicultural night, and family fun night), school supplies (2nd grade reading folders, students in need, classroom libraries), teacher appreciation (Sonic drinks, lunches, desserts, dinners and much more coming soon!), and of course class parties (holiday parties at SES, cookies and gifts at SMS, upcoming Valentine's Day parties, field day at all 3 campuses and more)! However, not every parent chooses to or is able to participate in W1C. This has caused a deficit in the budget making it much harder to say yes to every teacher/student/admin request. If you missed the W1C call at the beginning of the year, you can still make that tax deductible donation on our website.
Thank you to those of you who have supported our W1C campaign. EVERY CHILD benefits from your generosity.
This year's Sunnyvale PTA theme is BEING A HERO because we truly believe that Sunnyvale is full of them.
Heroes come in all shapes, sizes and forms - just ask our Reflections students! Parents, you are a hero to your child. Every day you magically make them breakfast, get them dressed and fight the mad traffic to drop them off at school. You bring forgotten lunches and lost homework up to their campus. And at the end of the day, in your plain clothes, ask them how their day was. Heroes show up when we need them most and save the day. Sounds like a parent to me!
Teachers, you are heroes on an entirely different level. Like parents, you take care of our students and save the day. You love on kiddos that aren't your own as if they were. You dedicate hours of personal time to ensure the success of our students. You practice, you meet, you plan, you learn and sometimes you even pray for our students. Like a superhero team, principals, staff and administration back up each other making sure our students are safe, engaged and on their way to becoming successful.
Parents and teachers are the most influential heroes we have, and today Sunnyvale PTA would like to thank you all for your tireless efforts in keeping our children safe and spurring them on to be heroes themselves.
Do you know a hero? Share your story with us hero@sunnyvalepta.org