Annual PTA Memberships are good from August 1st to July 30th of every year. With this, you stand with half a million other parents, teachers and students that are committed to a quality education in a safe environment.
Family Membership includes One Adult Membership and the SES, SIS students in their family. Additional memberships for adults are only $15 each. (Each adult in the family needs a membership if they want to volunteer - and relatives such as spouses, grandparents and other caregivers can be included as +1 with your membership!)
You will also receive many benefits that can be found on,, and Your Sunnyvale PTA membership enrolls you in SES and SIS.
This contribution will give you one PTA membership and help the PTA support our wonderful events throughout the year.
Volunteer Opportunities
Whether you can volunteer 1 hour/year or 1 hour/week - WE NEED YOU!!
Volunteering with the PTA helps you stay involved and current with school events and programs throughout the year. *all volunteers must fill out a background check through SISD linked here* (
- SES Volunteer: Information/Volunteer opportunities for all things SES
- SIS Volunteer: Information/Volunteer opportunities for all things SIS
- Hospitality Volunteer: Helps make our ES/IS staff feel appreciated and supported. Coordinates PTA sponsored meals for teachers/staff, decorates the teachers lounges for holidays, coordinates teacher gifts, and much much more!
- Sponsorship Volunteer: Works to secure corporate sponsorships & auction items, plan spirit nights, and increase family giving opportunities.
- Communications Volunteer: Helps with website/social media/newsletter/email.
- Events Volunteer: Helps coordinate and plan our PTA campus and district events - Daddy Daughter Dance, Mother Son Party, Holiday Bazaar, Raider Run, Dad's of Raiders (Assist with carline and during lunchtime), and much more!
- Room Parent: Assists teachers with class parties, administrative tasks, field trips etc.
- Dads of Raiders: Help staff in the AM/PM carline & chaperone during lunchtime or recess.
*all volunteers must fill out a background check through SISD linked here*
2024 Sunnyvale PTA Membership and Family Giving
Blue Contributors Receive
PTA T-shirt
Please send T-shirt size to
Gold Contributors Receive:
PTA Sponsor T-shirt
Invitation to Slime Your Principal Event
* Please send T-shirt size and student(s) name/campus to *
Vale Contributors Receive:
PTA T-shirt
Invitation to Slime Your Principal Event
Birthday announcement(s) on marquee of student's school
*Please send T-shirt size and student(s) name/campus and birthday to *
Raider Contributors Receive:
PTA Preferred Sponsor Hat
Invitation to Slime Your Principal Event
Birthday announcement(s) on marquee of student's school
Your family’s name on a sponsorship banner
Free admission to all PTA events
Invitation to Corporate and Family Sponsor Social
* Please send T-shirt size, banner name, and student(s) name/campus/birthday to *